Family. Health. soul tourism

About Baile Olanesti

Tisa. Family. Health. soul tourism

Baile Olănești

An oasis of healing springs in the heart of nature

Olănești Baths has acquired its reputation over the years thanks to the miraculous curative properties of the springs, which can only be found in this privileged place.

In Baile Olănești there are 30 “Tamaduitoare Springs” of sulphurous, sulphate, iodide, calcic and bromide nature. The springs have great therapeutic results in the treatment of kidney, stomach, gallbladder, diabetes, allergies and many other diseases.

The resort’s mineral waters were awarded the gold medal at the International Exhibition in Vienna in 1873. Thus, the curative capacities of the springs of Baile Olănești place the resort next to famous spas such as Evian, Thonon, Karlsbad, Vittel, Baden, Aix-les-Bains.

The resort of Baile Olanesti is located in a subcarpathian depression in the north-eastern part of Oltenia. So we enjoy cool summers and mild winters.

Come to Băile Olănești, you will calm your mind and soul by enjoying the peace that is specific only to places where nature reigns unhindered. You’ll breathe in the fresh air and stroll charmingly through the green alleys.

About Dutch dances

All year round

we love life in Băile Olănești.
We enjoy the raw green of the meadows, the fresh dew and the flowers that colour the forest’s foliage.
‘Tis the season for romantic fireflies who are relentlessly searching for their mate. Visit the water lily lake with your family, then sit by the river for a picnic.
In autumn, the spectacle of the silver leaves will bring warmth to your soul.
Spend Christmas with us, let’s go sledging on the toienite hills!
76 peisaj

Baile Olănești

Olănești Baths hosts the highest number of mineral springs among the balneoclimatic resorts in Romania, occupying the leading place in terms of water concentration and variety of elements in its composition. Tourists choose Baile Olănești to benefit from the mineral water cure, which can treat multiple ailments.

Hotel TISA offers a modern treatment centre with its own spa doctor. 

Enjoy the unique experiences offered by
Resort Tisa!

AquaPark AND the world of saunas

2+1 Free

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