Spa treatments. Mulberry treatment base

Healthy kidneys

This type of pathology affects 30-35% of the population, mostly middle-aged, including lithiasis, infectious manifestations, reno-ureteral malformations, postoperative complications, renal failure of various causes. The purpose of the spa is to increase the water load of the kidney (without systemic hyperhydration), increase the renal glomerular circulation, the glomerular filtration rate and decrease the plasma osmolarity with the aim of inducing an osmotic diuresis through the direct effect of the volume of mineral water and indirectly of the H2S in the mineral waters of the resort. In this type of cure only sulphurous oligomineral waters are used in doses, rhythm and quantity adapted to each disease, aiming to achieve a daily diuresis of at least 1.5-2 l.

This also results in a “mechanical flushing” of the urinary tract, microbial sterilisation and normalisation of the mineral composition of the urine.

More pictures from the TISA hotel treatment base:

Location of the TISA hotel treatment base:



Additional lies

The payment through CNAS is made on the basis of the health card and the referral from the family doctor / specialist doctor for Baile Olanesti resort.

Persons who do not provide proof of insurance through CNAS or who do not present these documents are obliged to pay, in order to benefit from the offer, an additional fee of 10% of the value of the package, otherwise they will not be insured or reimbursed for the treatment services purchased.

The 3 included procedures can be performed by the hotel’s balneologist to treat other conditions as well.

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